Update Your Congregation's Information on World Church and Mission Center Websites

We want to ensure that your congregation's or online ministry's presence is accurate on CofChrist.org and cofchrist-psi.org. This includes essential details about your leadership, gathering times, and more.

Providing up-to-date information will ensure visitors to CofChrist.org can find the most current details about your congregation and connect easily with your community.

Here's what you need to do for CofChrist.org:

  1. Review: Visit your congregation's or online ministry's webpage on CofChrist.org.

  2. Update: Complete the online form to submit any changes.

Here's what you need to do for cofchrist-psi.org:

  1. Review: Visit your congregation's or online ministry's webpage on https://www.cofchrist-psi.org/congregations.

  2. Update: Email us with any changes you require.

Thank you for your support!